neděle 11. března 2012

Epic stoner movies

sup fellas, tonite i share a great list of stoner movies, hope you enjoy

8 komentářů:

Stupidozid řekl(a)...

just love these movies. (even the german ones)

Nerijus řekl(a)...

Cool, I did wonder what good stoner movies are out there! Thanks!

Nadrian řekl(a)...

Been looking for a good list! cheers :)

wasteofinc řekl(a)...

Half Baked, one of my favorite movies, Dave Chapelle did a great job ;)

Anonymní řekl(a)...

I'm totally watching this when I get high next time.

See on TV řekl(a)...

Very good list! I should make one for my blog too!

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Great list, I watched Big Lebowski just recently too

TylerLemon řekl(a)...

What's up man? I've taken the pleasure of becoming your blogspot follower. Come visit often!